Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Dr. Byron Brown - Ways Your Body Prepares For Labor

As an obstetrician and gynecologist with many years of experience, Dr Byron A Brown is able to provide pregnant women with advice about what their bodies will go through during their pregnancy and what to expect as they come closer to term and start to prepare for labor. The following are all things that your body will do that should tell you that your baby is ready to be born.

Braxton Hicks Contractions
These are small contractions that you may start to feel from the middle of your pregnancy. Typically, you will feel your midsection tighten slightly, before relaxing again. These types of contraction should not be mistaken with normal contractions, which are more regular. Instead, consider them as practice runs for your body.

You Have A Show
During the course of your pregnancy, your cervix, which is the neck of your uterus, will be blocked with a small plug of jelly to ensure that nothing untoward happens. As you begin to approach the end of your term and your cervix starts to stretch in preparation for the birth, this plug will start to come away and you may notice it in your underwear. This could happen a few weeks, a couple of days before or even during your labor.

Your Waters Break
Dr Byron A Brown notes that waters breaking are the most obvious sign that pregnancies are coming to their end. The bag of amniotic fluid that surrounds your child will be released, either before labor or once contractions have begun.